The information contained in this post is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be medical advice. The following content includes my personal experience practicing a Fasting Mimicking Diet. If you would like to try a FMD, research the diet to make sure it is safe and appropriate for you, and consult with a medical professional.
My intention was to give myself a few days of transition from “holiday eating” to “healthy eating” before undertaking my first Fasting Mimicking Diet. Instead, I woke up this morning feeling ready to give it a shot.
I woke up at 7, did my morning farm chores, started the coffee, and did a gentle 30-minute movement and breath practice guided by Rolf Sovik on Yoga International, followed by a few rounds of alternate nostril breathing and meditation. Moving more is one of the items on my list of New Year's Intentions and it was the perfect way to ease back into my practice without overdoing it. If you are looking for guided yoga to do at home, Yoga International has thousands of practices to choose from, with some of the most well-known master teachers. You can sort by instructor, style, duration, level, and focus. They’ve also got access to articles, meditations, breath practices, continuing education courses and more. Memberships are around $20 per month or less if you pay by the year. (No, I don’t get anything for referring you to them, I just really love their content.) Check them out at
Now, I'm ready to begin my FMD - Day 1. Below is the plan for today. The 5-day plan I am following can be found HERE. If you like the simplicity of prepackaged meals and aren’t allergic to any of the ingredients, Prolon has everything you need for a 5-day fast bundled and ready to go for you. This option doesn’t work for me due to food allergies. If it was, I’d be all over it! I strongly recommend that, if you are considering trying the Fasting Mimicking Diet, you do your own research first and make sure that this is an appropriate and safe option for you. Information can be found on Valter Longo’s website.
Day 1
Breakfast: 1 cup of herbal tea or black, decaf coffee (unsweetened) and a half cup of berries. (I have allowed myself one cup of regular coffee as it’s impact on blood sugar in minimal and I haven’t given myself time to gradually withdraw from caffeine).
Lunch: Mixed salad with various leafy greens, snap peas, cucumbers, carrots, radish, and broccoli with a tablespoon homemade vinaigrette made with high quality olive oil and infused vinegar.
Snack: handful of macadamia nuts (this plan calls for almonds but I am allergic).
Dinner: A cup of steamed or lightly sautéed vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, red cabbage, and carrots with a tablespoon of high quality olive oil.
*Note: the plan only calls for one cup of herbal tea in the morning. I don’t see any reason not to drink herbal tea all day as hydration is important! I’ve put a pot of Love Your Liver Tea on the stove and will be sipping this all day, as well as lemon water.
It is now 2:15 in the afternoon. I’ve had my big salad for lunch and now, all I can think about is food! I keep finding myself in the kitchen opening the fridge or a cabinet, looking for something to munch on. I’m not actually feeling any hunger. It’s just habit, but I can tell this is going to be tough. I’m anticipating the hardest parts being no wine with dinner tonight and no chocolate!
I’m glad I put my intentions to do this fast on my blog. It’s helping me keep accountable and not give up easily. If I hadn’t, I’m not sure I’d make it through the first day. We’ll see what tonight brings - then tomorrow…